
Roomful of Teeth Perform Vesper Sparrow as part of the SONiC Festival – Brooklyn, NY

Saturday, October 17, 20157:30pm

Roomful of Teeth Perform Missy Mazzoli’s Vesper Sparrow as part of the 2015 edition of the SONiC Festival. SONiC Festival (Sounds of a New Century), produced by the American Composers Orchestra, is a festival of 21st century music by composers aged 40 and under. 

The program will also include the New York premiere of a work by Ted Hearne, William Brittelle’s High Done No Why and Amid the Minotaurs, Eric Dudley’s Suonare/to sound, and Caleb Burhans’ No and Beneath, and a World Premiere of a work by Anna Clyne, called Pocket Book VIII.